Sunday, 2 October 2011

Poster Analysis - Gorgeous

Film poster annotation:

The Unique Selling Point:

They have displayed the actor’s name in big and bold writing to attract the audiences since he’s a famous star in many films and also popular. By having the writing white in a black background makes the poster stand out more and easy for everyone to notice it. It gives the film an advantage during its advertising campaign.
The Film title:

The font and style of the writing seems to have a glow effect and it is placed in the centre of the poster to catch the audiences’ attention. It is very conventional of the action genre to create that sort of effects. This adds to the atmosphere that the film portrays. It is also tell us that the film involves a relationship as the title suggest  a love interest.
Target audience:

Rating the film at PG is expected because it suggests that anyone can watch this film and enjoy this type of movie because of the fact that the audience know that there will be an excellent choreography fight scene because of Jackie Chan previous movies.
Tag line/slogan:

The tagline/slogan is created in a way to make the audience feels like they want to find out more and to watch the movies. When they describe the No 1 action hero (Jackie Chan) just met his match suggests to us that it’s going to be an interesting fight scene and action.


The representation of the poster is really simple as it only has 2 pictures which take up 70% of the poster. And on both of the picture, it has Jackie Chan on it which is also USP to attract more audiences. And the bottom picture of the poster has a screen shot of 1 of the fight scene in the film to describe the intense moment that will make the audience more curious about what is happening.

How the genre of the film is communicated/ Representation:
The 2 main actors/characters are displayed- Chan played by Jackie Chan and Howie Lo who is played by Emil Chau. As there are always jealousy coming from Howie because Chan always does well in business and has a better life, Howie always try to create troubles to make life difficult for Chan. The picture of the poster emphasises that the movie is pure action/martial arts, and as we can see the 2 characters in at the bottom picture wearing different colour clothes, 1 wear all black suggests they are on bad side whereas the other character wear white tells the audience that he’s on a good side. Additionally, the title “gorgeous” can suggest that the movie will contain romance in the movie. On the poster, the appearance of the characters are very typical of the genre as the guy in black is doing a high kick and both of the characters wear gloves to indicate that the moment is intense and this is another typical convention of action genre- boxing gloves are always used to signify violence, revenge, danger etc. so it is a typical props we see in an action movies.

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