Friday, 30 September 2011

Poster analysis - Adulthood

Poster analysis: Adulthood

The film Adulthood is a drama as you can tell by looking at certain aspects of the poster. The characters are wearing a certain kind of clothing which is stereotypically viewed as clothing worn by inner city youths and also stereotyped to be clothing for troublesome teens; this hints at the genre as the characters are represented as realistic London youths and foreshadows dramatic events. All characters are standing in front of an urban area which sets a scene from the film, in addition there is the sun setting which could connote that darkness is coming soon and also can connote that something is coming to an end. Furthermore it adds to the fact that disturbances with young people often happen at night. The scene portrays tragic events that would occur in the film. Sam, wearing the navy blue hoody, is standing at the front while everyone is behind him, this shows that he is the main character in the film and the story is based around him. The baseball bat at the front which is part of the mise-en-scene signifies that there will be violence during the dramatic conflict; furthermore it is a significant prop in the film as in the previous film it was used to kill the protagonist “Trife”  and is put in the poster to remind the audience how the trouble all stated.
The title is all in black which contrasts the background making it stand out. There is also the use of a lower case “d” in the title full of capital letters; because it does not correspond with the rest of the font it is used as a metaphor for the characters that does not follow a trend and is not going to follow rules which furthermore will create conflict. The font used is plain and normal which connotes the behavior of the characters as normal in their society and community.
One of the unique selling points (USP) of the poster is Noel Clarke; he is the director of the film and is also the main character in the film. He is also the director of the successful previous film “KiDULTHOOD” which is another USP as the many people who watched the film would definitely want to watch the sequel as it shows Sam’s first day out of prison after 6 years of committing murder. The baseball bat at the front is one of the biggest USP’s of the poster as it signifies the main source of trouble and reminds people of the previous film, using it in the poster shows that is may be used again, it represents the violence of the film and has become significantly important just as the character are.  The review at the top of the poster furthermore promotes it as it has claims such as “fearless and full on… don’t miss it” and “phenomenal…absolutely mesmerizing”, also It is rated 4 stars; these reviews urge people to watch it. 
The tagline is “after kidulthood comes adulthood” which relates to the film as it is the sequel but also reflects real life as it is a true fact that after someone’s childhood they become an adult. The tag line is reflected on the characters as Sam in Kidulthood was very aggressive and always wanted to cause trouble like a “kid” but in Adulthood he is a reformed as a calm person who doesn’t want any trouble which is actions of an “adult”.
The characters are all young adults and teenagers; this is also the target audience for the film. Many teenagers can relate to the social realism portrayed in “AdULTHOOD” and the issues the characters go through such as drugs and violence.
At the bottom of the poster there is the release date in large capital letters to inform everyone that the film will be coming out June 20th in cinemas throughout the whole of England. There are also credits at the bottom and the official website ( is stated.
Asif Bacchus

Fonts for title

Stand up 2 the challenge (fonts for title)

·        Our group has come up with a variety of fonts for the title in the poster. The fonts reflect an aggressive yet “street” attitude, this is due to the fact that Robert (the protagonist) resorts to violence as soon as he can as he takes on the bullies that tormented him in the first film, there was also the urgency to make the title with the style of “street” as all the events that occur is related to real teenage life in London therefore creating an urban look to symbolize the characters personality and behaviour.

Feedback on pitch

Feedback on Pitch

From the feedback on pitch we found out what we have to improve to make our film better.

·       Clarify the genre – in the pitch the genre of the film was unclear to the audience, we had to improve it and make sure the audience know it’s an action film
·       Make the fight scenes more convincing – we improved the mise en scene by adding fake make up, therefore the fight scenes were more convincing as they looked more realistic
·       Clarify the use of lighting – we didn’t mention what lighting we’ll use therefore we had to improve it

We also found out what’s good so far

·       Good use of equilibrium model – the equilibrium, disruption and new equilibrium was clear for the audience.
·       Good use of location – we used appropriate locations for the action films
Good variety of shot angles – we used many shots such as low angle to show power, high angle to show vulnerability, close up, medium shots, medium close ups, long shots and establishing shots. 



Story line

·         The film begins with a flash back of a quick montage of images from the previous movie. These include Robert getting bullied.
·         Robert is at home and receives a phone call with information about Asif and Tien whereabouts. Roberts makes his way to the destination.
·         Robert arrives at the destination. Tien and Asif, unaware of Robert’s recently gained skills, underestimate him and start to fight. Robert beats up Tien and Asif.
·         Asif becomes conscious and tries to wake up Tien. Tien, badly hurt, wakes up and tells Asif to call his twin brother Hong where he is working in an office.
·         Asif then meets Hong in Walthamstow central underground and then they both walk out, ready to plan revenge.
·         In the next scene Robert is walking Weronika home until he is called up and asked to do a favour. Once he walks off, there is a cut to a point of view shot, we then see Asif run behind Weronika and kidnap her.
·         Robert is sitting at home and receives a phone call from Hong asking him to fight; he accepts the challenge instantly when he hears his girlfriend Weronika on the phone.
·         Robert meets Hong were he has Weronika tied up to the fence. They both start to fight and Robert throws a final punch that knocks Hong out cold.
·         Robert approaches Weronika and frees her. The film will end with them hugging in relief.

        On the poster of the movie “Stand up 2 the challenge!” Robert will be at a middle of the poster with Weronika hugging him from behind.
       Behind Robert on the left, we will have Asif holding a baseball bat looking angry
         And on the right side, there will be Tien and Hong standing back to back; Tien will be dressed in ghetto clothes whereas Hong will be wearing formal clothes holding a bag.
         The title “Stand up 2 the challenge” will be above Robert’s head, we would also have a tag line which says: “Revenge can never be sweeter”.
        Underneath the tag line, we will have the rating films which are 5 stars with a few quotes from the newspaper review.
        The name of the actors and actress will be on top of the title.
        Our film unique selling point on the posters will be the actors, director’s name.

Consideration of Narrative

·         Equilibrium Model: Robert’s at home watching TV, relaxing.
·         Disruption: Robert receives the phone call of Tien and Asif location.
·         New equilibrium: Robert walks away with his girlfriend.
·         Key representation: under class people stereotypically cause trouble and bulling occurs more often between them.
·         Also, age is another issue as it’s harder for young people to get a job; they hang out on the street more, causing trouble and ending up robbing other teenagers.
·         Our film is a single strand film as it has one story line develops in sequential time, and it’s a close narrative as our movies have an ending.
·         It’s also an omniscient so that the audience can see everything that goes on movies.
·         Our film is in linear because it flows in a straight line and there is no going back and forth in the movie.
·         Our film doesn’t have concept binary oppositions and narrative enigma as the audiences can see what’s in the movies.
·         Our movies are in a mass marker as its intended for the class of skilled workers and the below.
·         The representation of the film is about age and it’s a stereotypical movie of teenagers in London and it’s also exaggerated.

 Generic Profile

·         Locations: An alleyway where the first fight scene takes place as it is a quiet place and a typical location of the genre
The final fight scene will be filmed behind a car park in a quiet area, this is also a typical location of the genre.
·         Costumes: mostly hoodies, body warmers, beanie hats as they related to the street wear and plimsolls as they will be used to fight in which is very typical of action.
·         Props: Mobile phones, bags and a poison tissue (used to make Weronika black out)

·         CAMERA – close up, arc shot, over shoulder shot, medium shot, tilt, pan, long shot, point of view, tracking, hand held, low/high angle
·         EDITING – fade in/out, straight cut, fast editing, cross cutting, slow motion.
·         MISE – EN - SCENE
LOCATION – Alleyway, behind car park, public roads, Robert’s house and an office
CLOTHES – hoodies, jeans, hats, shirt, combat trousers, sweaters and plimsolls
PROPS – strap (to tie up Weronika) , mobile phones and bags, poison tissue.
BODY LANUAGE/ FACIAL EXPRESSION – constantly aggressive, repulsive, violent and scared
SOUND – non diegetic – sound effects such as punching and kicking, music in the background
Diegetic - dialogue